The CAO Admissions Process Is An Easy Three Steps!

The CAO Admissions Process Is An Easy Three Steps!

Step ONE: Get in touch

Contact us and we can help you get started with some initial details on the program outline, start dates, tuition, and admissions process. Admission requirements and specified program prerequisites (program eligibility requirements).

Step TWO: Attend a Webinar

Every week we give information webinars about osteopathy and the school.. We will answer all your questions and will tell you what makes the CAO unique, how Principles-based Education is different, layout our modified full-time schedule, describe our clinical training, explain our admissions requirements, let you know about professional practice and insurance recognition and much more.

Webinars last about 90 minutes and we host several each week.

Step THREE: Interview for your Spot!

After the webinar, if you love what you see and want to become a CAO student, the last step is to participate in an admissions interview and submit your enrollment paperwork for your preferred osteopathy start date!

Get the Details

By submitting this form, you are giving your express written consent for Canadian Academy of Osteopathy to contact you regarding our programs and services using email, telephone or text - including our use of automated technology for calls and periodic texts to any wireless number you provide. Message and data rates may apply. This consent is not required to purchase goods/services and you may always call us directly at 1-866-320-9898. Privacy Policy

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For admission to the CAO, applicants must meet the minimum admission requirements and specified program prerequisites (program eligibility requirements).To be considered for admission to the CAO, applicants must have one requirement listed under post-secondary-level attainment and both additional eligibility requirements outlined in additional requirements.

Post-secondary-Level Attainment

Successful completion of a diploma/advanced diploma or Baccalaureate/Bachelor’s degree

in a health (i.e., nursing, massage therapy, physiotherapy, primary/advanced care paramedicine, occupational therapy, etc.) or physical sciences discipline with an emphasis in human anatomy and physiology.

Partial completion of a diploma/advanced diploma or Baccalaureate/Bachelor’s degree

in a health discipline that includes successful completion of courses in human anatomy and physiology.

Partial completion of a diploma/advanced diploma or Baccalaureate/Bachelor’s degree

in any discipline plus completion of at least one course in human anatomy and physiology at the post-secondary level.

Additional Requirements

  • Mandatory admission session that includes a campus orientation webinar
  • An interview to assess suitability for the intensive program format and for autonomous professional practice.
  • Students must be physically able to provide and receive treatment in class. Receiving treatment is part of the program at the CAO and students unable to participate fully in this manner will not be able to partake in, or complete the program.

Exploring Tuition Funding to Become an Osteopathic Practitioner


Education and training for your future as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner is a valuable investment and at the CAO, we want to help make this easy. One of the benefits of being a small college is that each student receives personalized attention from the minute they come in to explore their future in osteopathy.

The Canadian Academy of Osteopathy is certified by the Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada (formerly HRSDC) and approved to issue the T2202A tax form for tuition credit.

The CAO in Hamilton is proud to announce that students enrolled in our program may be eligible, if qualified, for loans, grants, or awards granted under the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).

CAO West students at our campus in Calgary, who are enrolled in our program may also be eligible, if qualified, for loans, grants, or awards granted under the Alberta Student Aid.

Private lending institutions are also very supportive of our students since our tuition is low and our graduate incomes are high.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your tuition and financial aid, our friendly admissions representatives are happy to chat with you and answer your questions. Please or give us a call at 1-866-320-9898.

Get the Details

By submitting this form, you are giving your express written consent for Canadian Academy of Osteopathy to contact you regarding our programs and services using email, telephone or text - including our use of automated technology for calls and periodic texts to any wireless number you provide. Message and data rates may apply. This consent is not required to purchase goods/services and you may always call us directly at 1-866-320-9898. Privacy Policy

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Out of Province Students

Are you looking to study osteopathy but live outside of Ontario or Alberta? There is no need to move to Hamilton or Calgary to participate in our program!

With in-person hands-on training, many students commute in from hours away, or from out of province, each month for their training. Sciences and Theory are offered online so you can do it from home!

Have More Questions? Get More Info…

If you’re interested in learning more about your financial assistance options and exploring whether the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy is right for you, to receive more information.

For immediate questions, please call 1-866-320-9898

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