Cole Ruston, M.OMSc
Position(s): Professor
Always looking for the answers to why things happen in the body is what led Cole Ruston down the path of studying Osteopathy, never quite satisfied with the band-aid approach that was offered by the health communities.
Sticking true to the belief that the human body is capable of its own healing given the opportunity, he dove into self-driven studies of the body systems and nutrition.
Cole was working towards starting a career path as an educator, working in early childhood development for several years, before deciding to enroll at the CAO.
“I was inspired by listening to Dr. Belbecks talks on empowering the students in their own learning. I strive to constantly improve myself as an educator and mentor. I believe that a professor can have a great affect on how driven the students are to dive into a subject, and I will always aid them in said endeavor”
His practice Equilibrium Osteopathy in the heart of Calgary, AB since 2020, helping all ages with an emphasis on educating patients on the value of general movement and other health practices.