Have you made the decision to attend osteopathy school? Are you thinking ahead to your first year in training? Students at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy will find a dynamic and challenging program that prepares them to step into rewarding careers as osteopathic manual practitioners. Over the course of four years, our students develop their knowledge through a combination of principles-based theoretical learning and hands-on clinical training. But perhaps you’re wondering how you can prepare to make the transition to your studies. From organizing your schedule to reading up on the first-year curriculum, here are a few ways you can prepare to jump right into your training.
Review Your Knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology
Here at CAO, we place a unique emphasis on the principles and theory of osteopathy. The program is rooted in an understanding of osteopathic thinking and assessment, in which the body is examined as a whole dynamic unit of function. This kind of training gives students an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology, so they can treat the layers of bodily structure on a personalized level. That means a solid foundation in anatomy is needed to succeed in the program.
However, many students come to CAO with limited experience in healthcare. In that case, our Prep course is here to help you learn or review essential anatomy and physiology content before beginning Year 1 of the program. As you prepare to begin osteopathy college, consider your current level of experience and whether you need to enrol in our Prep course.

Create a Schedule for Your Studies
Starting school brings new commitments to juggle. Incorporating your studies into your daily routine requires some planning, especially when you have a family or job to attend to. As you prepare to start your osteopathy training, think about creating a schedule for your studies and setting aside time to review in-class material. With a plan in place and some good time management, you’ll be better positioned to keep up with the demands of the program.
At CAO, we aim to assist students by offering a simple, flexible schedule format. Students attend in person once a month for intensive hands-on training, and online lecture days are condensed together for easy scheduling. The school makes special accommodations for those coming in from out of province, allowing students to combine clinical shifts to limit transportation costs and time.

Establish a Support System for Osteopathy College
Training for an osteopathy specialization is demanding work. In particular, our program covers a comprehensive four-year curriculum that is designed to challenge students on their way to becoming highly experienced osteopathic manual practitioners. For incoming students, having a solid support system in place is the best way to make the most of this experience.
Along with your family and friends, your fellow students at CAO can become a great resource to motivate and encourage you throughout your training. Think about ways you’ll take advantage of our community-centred school environment with athletics, annual events, and more. By knowing what to expect from your osteopathy program and what’s on offer at your school, you can set off on the right path to a successful career.
Are you ready to start your training at an osteopathy academy?
Contact the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy today.